Getting ready at 7.30 am on an off-day. Excited. this is my 1st time going to Singapore! What's best, I only have to pay for my flight ticket (which I found out later that THAT also will be sponsored ��).
Accommodation is ready as I just chip into my brother's stay during his business trip! �� Had to go to airport at 11 am, as my dad need to go for Friday prayers. But as I just remembered to change currency & left a few things at home, we went out at 11.45 instead. Sorry Ayah! ��
My flight would be at 3.35 pm. I thought I would just survive, but after a while, starting to feel bored~ So after ensuring the exact gate that I should be boarding, I decided to have some french fries with hot honey lemon at Old Town White Coffee. There's a seat by the window that overlooks the airplanes. ��
There was a slight flight delay, so the flight took off at roughly 4 pm. I got a seat by the window, so I am fortunate to watch the airplane fly above the Malacca Straights. I think I saw Avillion Port Dickson too ��
On top of that, my seat is also behind the wings of the airplane. I don't know whether I'm weird, but I like too observe how things work, like how aircrafts use the air breaks at its wings to lower its speed once touched down. ��
The flight arrived at Changi airport at 5 pm. Queued up for custom clearance and waiting for my $9 shuttle that will take me straight to Ritz-Carlton hotel. This shuttle takes to hotels in the city, and can be found at Ground Transport Desk. While waiting, I had a tasty peanut butter waffle & hot honey barley at Chinta Manis Peranakan Cafe! ��
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