Since the break period is so long, there are so many things to talk about.. Ideas keep flowing through my head on what to write.. Feel like writing everything, but of course, that would mean spending the whole night infront of the laptop. Wouldn't want that. So I guess I'll focus on 1 thing.. and that would be about 'friends'.. =)
Throughout my 21 years of life (my birthday is not here yet =D), I have met a lot of people whom I called as friends.. Those whom I've always appreciate their appearance in my life. But finding ones who I really can share everything with is quite hard. I can be friendly to strangers and make friends to anyone whenever i feel like it, but i rarely open up to people about my personal life.. even to my bestfriends sometimes. Let's just conclude that I'm not the type who likes to tell everything. I prefer to keep part of my life private. =)
Life is always changing, and the environment constantly changes. We also change to adapt to the environment.. And that change might be for the better or worse, depends on how we react to the situation.. Thus, we need friends that can accept us for who we are and for who we will turn out to be. We need them to constantly remind us who we are and the wrongs that we have done. We need them to share all the happiness and sorrows. We need them to have fun together and to swap stuff and stories. These friends are not just friends. They are our closest friends.. =)
In MMU, I've already felt big losses in the first semester of this fourth year.. People who I always spend my time & stories with are either graduating, having their intership, or have decided to take a break from studies to work.. I guess it's that time of your life again where you have to part from the people you are close with.. =( But looking things on different view, this will just be a beginning of a wonderful friendship. Wani & I were separated to different schools since Form 4, but we are still the best of friends and share gossips once every few months in a year (you have no idea how long we gossip through phone once we have the chance.. ha ha). So I guess getting separated from your friends are not really that sad, since you will get a whole bunch of stories to tell to each other every once in a while. ^_^
I don't know why, but somehow I'm starting to miss all my old friends.. I'm uploading some pics here so that you guys can re-live the moments we had together.. miss u guys loads!

1st to comment :D
ReplyDeletehmm..bagus la da start wat kt blogspot..
nmpk kemas sket..
wahhh.. 1st to comment~ ehehe..
ReplyDeletesaye da wat kat blogspot..
kamu bile lagi? kate nak wat pas saye wat. =D
p/s: to people who've tried commented before, sorry i haven't changed the settings previously. i've changed the settings now.. so everyone's welcome to comment! ^_^
fuyo gambar aku tangkap keaheakehjalk
ReplyDeletehe he. tidak pasti la tekong. saye jarang senyum lebar bile laki tangkap gamba neh. macam camera saye je. tapi saye pun da x ingat. =p
ReplyDeletesy rindu kamu! :(
saye windu kamu juga~~ :((
ReplyDeleteaku ko xrindu ke? hahaha
uih.. mesti la windu.. jom kua bile2 nurul. da lame x dating ngan ko. =p
ReplyDeletela..ada blog ka. kakakakka
ReplyDeleteahaha. tu la. baru wat. dulu blog kat frenster je. try nak import dari frenster gi sini, tapi cam x buleh je. he he. mekasih dtg melawat. ^_^
nice blog and pic akak