Anyhows, in this post, I will just share with you guys something I wrote about my sis which I had given short speech about during the reception. This is especially dedicated for you, Kak Id, in case you're reading. =)

Bismillah… Assalamualaikum…
Terima kasih, DJ, kerana memberi saya peluang untuk berkata2 sebentar di hari yang serba indah ini. Saya x nak cakap lama2, sbb saya da lama tinggalkan zaman cakap depan khalayak ramai ni... So I have a little bit stage fright today… But I will just get on with it. =)
Seperti yg para hadirin ketahui, hari ini merupakan hari paling bahagia kepada kedua mempelai kite, iaitu Muhamad Adil dan Norshahida Wati. I wish “Selamat Pengantin Baru” to both of you. =) Ehmm.. I don’t know much about Abang Adil, as I am yet to explore about his background and personalities starting today… Thus, my short speech today will focus on the bride instead, which is my sister – Shida.
Shida was born on 29th December, 1982, which was 5 years before me. So, of course, due to the big gap of years between us (and also being the eldest girl sibling), she was always responsible for all the house chores, and she is really good at it (lucky you, Abang Adil ;))
Setelah usia meningkat, Shida pun bersekolah di Tadika Seaport dan kemudiannya ke SRK Kelana Jaya (1) ketika Shida berumur 7 tahun. Selepas itu, Shida melanjutkan pelajaran di SMK(A) Simpang Lima, dan kemudiannya di SMAP Labu. Due to excellent result, she was then offered a scholarship to pursue her studies in Accounting & Finance at Kolej Matrikulasi Yayasan Saad (where she did her A-Level) and later at Warwick University, UK (where she did her Bachelor’s Degree). Selepas habis belajar, Shida ditawarkan untuk bekerja sebagai eksekutif di PNB, tempat beliau bekerja sehingga kini.
As you can see, she had an excellent academic background. Curriculur-wise, she was in the student bodies, student publications, and members of other organizations in nearly all educational institutions that she had attended. But then, who cares about this type of background for this particular day. I’m sure most of you, if not all, want to know about how she is as a family member, and particularly as a sister. =)
Sebagai seorang anak, Shida adalah seorang yang sangat bertanggungjawab. Shida tidak pernah melawan cakap ibu dan ayah, apetah lagi meninggikan suara. Setiap permintaan ibu dan ayah mesti Shida akan buat segera. Bila ibu dan ayah takde pulak, she will automatically be the 2nd mom, taking care of me when they were not around, dari saya kecik sampai la besar. =)
Sister-wise, she is fun to be around with. She cracks up jokes, hearing to my blabbering about non-important stuff, advices me when I do wrong, guides me in my studies, and be the person who I can annoy always. Thanks for those. ;)
Last but not least, we might be very different in personalities, taste in things, activities to join, etc… But we understand and love each other very well. I love you, Kak Id, and I always will. Sisters forever. =)