It has been a long time since I last blogged or keep journal. Busy-ness has always been the Number 1 excuse in every aspect of my life. Now I'm stuck with lack of exercise, unable to recall my foreign languages, declining flair of writing, and I suspect that my public speaking skills must've gone way down. Have I mentioned that I don't remember where I put my coins & notes albums? Oh, and my shelf is full of to-be-read books, and my list of to-watch movies keep expanding. Now, if I have give up all these for myself, don't you think I have given up time for my family and friends too?
I just had a conversation with my dad. He gave me a pretty good advice. Yes, my life has been so tight, with a full time job, part time job & part time studies. But that is not an excuse to have a balanced and relaxed life. He mentioned that if I don't find a way to make all these less stressful, I'll find myself getting sick & tired frequently, which I already have.
The 1st mission my dad is planningis to take a stroll with my dad tomorrow morning. Luckily my PMR student have finished his classes and I finally have a free Sunday morning. Yeyyy~ ^o^ I know my dad knows that I'm lack of stamina, so I think he'll slow down a bit tomorrow. =p
Next I was thinking to take up my reading habbit again. Yes, I do read all those serious ACCA notes everyday, but what I meant was taking something light for my reading. Taking up a novel, for instance. I think my last novel was The Hunger Games triology, which I read back in July. I've bought 2 more novels since, plus a few that I bought years back. Really looking forward at least to finish another by end of next month.
Also to keep this reading habbit, I'm thinking of joining a book club, or at least organise one. But considering my work commitment, tuition classes & ACCA studies, i think travelling can be very taxing to me. I might as well use my free time to hang out with my family, or mamak-ing with friends. A great stress-free activity! =D
So I was thinking to do 2 things instead: 1) to write blogs 2) to keep a journal, which meant to be more personal. Whoever knows me would know that I don't like to expose my personal life in public. I believe internet is where you should spread the positivities! =D
And then there's foreign language learning, which Spanish will be the 1st to be assessed by my brother (yikes, I told him I would start brushing up my Spanish again this week)! And of course, the casual Javanese conversed with my sister & dad once in a while. Am really excited to start back!
And yeah, I was thinking of reducing my side commitments next year, devoting more time for family, friends & my hobbies. Can't wait to try new recipes, trying DIY's arts & crafts I've been reading in magazines, and above all, going for holidays & travelling!
Hopefully all these plans will come true. Ameen~ =)